2012 and 2013

This year I wrote 135,000 words of fiction on six stories. I made a fool of myself here by posting a rough draft. I survived that with my self-esteem mostly intact. I won NaNoWriMo and got halfway through Camp NaNoWriMo. I’ve discovered booze I like and started a hell of a liquor cabinet. I tried to get readers here and mostly failed (blog catalogs don’t seem to work, triberr helps only a little). I posted here 56 times, on average twice a week, mostly.

On a more personal level, I moved into my own place, finally getting my stuff out of storage after about three years (although I still have quite a bit still packed because there’s no place to put it, or in a severely disorganized state). I’ve had the same boyfriend since approximately March. I’ve made several new friends and not been a complete hermit. I’m starting my third year working at the same place, where they seem to like me quite a lot and I have lots of free time (or I could do this on my breaks if I would actually remember to take them).

I’ve accomplished less than I would have liked to and more than I thought I would. I spent way too much monkey-clicking around the internet and napping.

So, next year, let’s try to do better! I have a plan (that I probably won’t stick to)!

  • More topics: I still want to talk about conlanging, kimono, some how-tos, toys, Thundercats, The Shadow…
  • More consistent updates. I don’t generally bother to explain why I haven’t updated. It’s just excuses (it’s usually too tired or depressed). I’d like to update twice a week every week. That’ll involve having a buffer. I’ve used up all my buffer.
  • More art. I’ve gotten way out of the habit of drawing and I want to change that (the 30 Characters Challenge helped, but I can’t draw that fast.)
  • Every two weeks finish a White Knight script or work on whatever writing project is consuming me, and draw a Wings of Silver page.
  • Every month get the following done or significantly work on: a project around the house; make at least post in each category; work on organizing stuff at home (doesn’t affect the blog, but this post is half for me anyway).

Things I want to start doing:

  • I work half-days on Fridays. My mother and I are trying to do project nights that day where we would alternate houses.
  • I’m terrible about letting my house getting way, way messy, especially by leaving laundry and dishes until I run out of stuff. I want to spend time multiple times a week (and every week) taking care of stuff so it isn’t such a time sink to deal with. This won’t show up on the blog, but should mean I have more time and energy for posts.
  • Talk more about vintage stuff. I have a bunch of old books and some ads that I want to scan or photograph and post. Once they’re scanned these would be easy posts and I can scan them during project nights. Some of it would be sharing old recipes (but not cooking them. Sorry.) There’d probably also be pictures of interesting things I see while antiquing or pictures of old buildings.
  • Start doing write-ups of The Shadow pulp novels (and possibly the radio plays), similar to the comic commentaries. I’d like to also do an illustration for these (as something to draw because otherwise I just draw superheroes). Some I might do as comics.
  • I’ve often thought that Silverhawks could be redone as a serious scifi. I want to give it a go as a comic (more drawing practice). First, an analysis of a cartoon episode would be necessary.
  • Get a lot more done on the White Knight (my superhero comic), including finishing enough scripts that I feel comfortable with finding an artist to draw it. My drawing skills aren’t where I’d want them to be to draw the comic and I can’t draw fast enough to update as often as I’d like (preferably three times a week. Well, in an ideal world, every weekday, but that’s not likely).

So here’s the proposed schedule:


The important part is that if I miss a day, or if I feel like doing something else, that’s okay (for example, if I get a plot bunny, that will take precedence). I’m hoping that by sticking to the schedule I’ll get a buffer of posts for when I have distractions.

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