Nyjichun word of the day

I’m working on Ŋyjichɯn again. I’d like to get it up to 500 words and get the tiddlywiki cleaned up enough that I could submit it to the Conlangery Podcast to be considered for the featured conlang. Since I’m currently obsessing about it, I’ve decided to do a Ŋyjichɯn word of the day for at least a while.

Our word of the day is Ŋyjichɯn.

Meaning: name of the language, to speak Ŋyjichɯn. From ‘people speech’

It’s pronounced /nʏ.dʒi.tʃɯŋ/, or for those who don’t speak IPA, Ni-jee-chung, where i is like in ‘bit’, ee is like in ‘meet’, and u is like the vowel in ‘hook’.1 (I’d like to do a recording, but can’t at the moment).

Any words or sentences you’d like to see?

1. It doesn’t exactly follow the spelling because of alternation, but all the sound changes are easily predictable.

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