How does your character react to temperature changes such as extreme heat and cold?
(Hey, I’ve got a writing snippet that talks about this a bit!)
Wild Rush doesn’t really notice it. If it’s super hot or cold he might change what he’s wearing a bit, but not much.
Daisy feels them and either snuggles with somebody or tries to cool off.
Charles tends to run hot and Andre tends to run cool, so they even out. Andre prefers to run around in bright shirts and Charles likes skirts and dresses sometimes.
Delia doesn’t get cold that often, but can get really hot. She’ll blast the AC or take a cold bath or something.
Joel tends to run cold. He has tons of blankets to wear and warm jackets.
Leonard Burton (Delia’s brother-in-law) loves to go skinny-dipping when he’s hot or lay in front of a fire (preferably with a girlfriend) when he’s cold.
Morning bird or Night owl?
Delia and Joel are both naturally polyphasic sleepers and tend to be night owls. Delia has an easier time in the morning than Joel.
Leonard Burton is also a night owl and is often a slug-a-bed. But he’ll get up to make breakfast for people.
Wild Rush is totally a night owl. That’s when all the exciting stuff happens.
Daisy is more of a morning person, but likes to stay up with Wild Rush.
Charles is totally a morning person. It’s quiet and ne can relax and read or get caught up on things or whatever.
Andre honestly isn’t super fond of either. He’d prefers during the day when there’s lots of light.
Sergeant Aurita is totally a night person, for the same reason Wild Rush is. Night time is exciting.
Silver Dollar loves to sleep in late and stay up late. It’s a really really bad idea to wake him up without a good reason.
Techrat is… none of the above. He keeps a very bad and erratic sleep schedule and often gets his days and nights reversed.
Gimmick is a morning person. The earlier you get up, the earlier you can get stuff done. He likes to watch the sun rise with breakfast.
Donna Cooper is about the same. If she gets up early, she can get started on stuff before people starting bringing more problems.
Swordcat is another slug-a-bed. He takes catnaps and is up all night.
Mask is another morning person. Usually because he couldn’t sleep. He tends to go to bed early because he’s exhausted.
Jill loves to go out at night, dancing and drinking, and causing trouble. And then she gets up at a reasonable hour to do research and stuff.
Mick Adler is not a morning person at all, unless he woke up with an idea. He also likes to go out at night, but if possible he’ll go home with somebody fairly early.
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