Year: 2023

Scheduled posting on Dreamwidth

Dreamwidth is a bit limited on features, including no built-in way to schedule posts. But there’s a pretty easy work around! That work around involves posting via email.

First you have to set up your Mobile Post Settings, which involves telling it what email addresses to allow and setting a pin. Dreamwidth can then post as you using a special email address, including posting to your communities.

You can tell this was set up a long time ago because it has allowances for free email services that put garbage at the end of the email address and cellphones without full keyboard options. (I’m sure both of those are still around, but they’re much rarer these days).

You can even set journal options like what icons to use, tags, and comments.

So here’s some examples:

Subject: Scheduled posting

And then write what you want to post

XXXX there is the pin. There are various places you can put it, but I find the in the email address to be the easiest.

From: me@silvercat17
Subject: What! I can post to communities too?

Yep, any community you have permission to post to, you can post by email.

Obviously, you replace “communityname” with the actual name of the community.

Subject: Scheduled posting Options!

post-icon: cat silhouette
post-tags: Dreamwidth, cats, whatever

There are bunch of options on Dreamwidth that I never use, like location and music, but you can do those too.
silhouette of a cat washing its face

This would make it post with a specific icon (the one next to this) and the tags “Dreamwidth, cats, whatever”

The next part of this is scheduling an email, which is going to depend entirely on your email service. I use gmail and it’s as simple as writing an email and then clicking on the down arrow next to “send” to pull up “scheduled send”.

And that’s how you schedule a post for Dreamwidth.

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Ben-day Shots – Captain Britain #7

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Captain Britain #7

Week Ending Nov 24, 1976
Cover Price: 10 pence

Characters: Captain Britain / Brian Braddock, Hurricane,

Content Note: hurricanes, plane crash (sort of) into ocean, death trap involving a jet

To recap: Captain Britain is chained to the intake of a jet and when Hurricane powers up the jet he’ll get sucked in and shredded.

Issue cover. Captain Britain is straining to break free from the chains while Hurricane looks on from the cockpit. Captain Britain's thought balloon: Must escape before the suction-power of these concorde engines destroys me! Narrative balloons: And now! The awesome origin of the man-menace called Hurricane! Is this the end of Captain Britain? You'll learn the incredible answer in: Wind of Death!
This is not, however, how he was chained in the previous issue.

Considering we’re only seven weeks in, I’d say the end is extremely unlikely…

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Ben-Day Shots – Captain Britain #6

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Captain Britain #6

Week Ending Nov 17, 1976
Cover Price: 10 pence

Characters: Captain Britain / Brian Braddock, Hurricane, various Heathrow airport personnel and pilots

Content Note: violence at an airport and involving fuel, mention of 9/11 in my commentary, deathtrap involving a jet

The cover is concerning and (spoilers) a good teaser of what’s going to happen.

half the cover, showing Hurricane using his wind powels to throw a petrol tanker at Captain Britain who is jumping away. Text: Can even Captain Britain survive the peerless power of Hurricane? Learn the answer in Havoc at Heathrow!

Yeah, this is set at Heathrow airport. I expect it would go down very differently these days.

They did casually mention last issue that Hurricane’s base was at Heathrow, which I kinda skipped over, and didn’t realize that Heathrow isn’t, like, a neighborhood as well (I’m a Yank, cut me some slack). This time they’re clearer that the hideout is “on the fringe of Heathrow/London Airport”. And as one would expect from last issue’s cliffhanger, we jump straight to them fighting.

I feel like this being next to an airport deserves more attention from the get-go, but that may due to the changes caused by, well, today’s anniversary (9/11/2001, the attack on the World Trade Center in New York City). We’re not going to get into that, but the airport security theater that resulted seems relevant.

We do have a nice bit of nonsense technology in the background of the first and third panel.

part of a panel and a full one, showing blocky, but indistinct machinery of some kind behind the action. Narration: The scene is a hideout on the fringe of Heathrow/London Airport. Captain Britain's thoughts: It took me half the night to track down Hurricane, but now that I've found him, I've got to knock him out of action before he smashes me to a pulp. Second panel shows Hurricane using his wrist blaster and saying: ...but nothing can protect you from the power of Hurricane's wind-blasts!
Gonna assume those are two different machines, cuz they don’t match at all

As Cap is blown out of the warehouse, he thinks that Hurricane’s power is like nothing he’s felt. Which, uh, really? You’ve already fought him before and he just about destroyed the university.

We get an aerial shot that gives us an idea of the distance between the “North Field Factories” and the airport itself, plus some references to things, I’m assuming at least partially, happened in other Marvel comics.

Aerial view. An irregular pentagon with the airport in the middle surrounded by what's probably grass and roads. To the northeast are warehouses and two have explosions. Narration: Heathrow / London airport. It's seen its share of crises - from terrorist alerts to mad bombors to a martial arts battle on the main runway, but the airport's never seen anything quite like the free-for-all erupting out of the old North Field Factories

I guess having your base at an airport would cover a lot of weird noises? But I’d really expect them to vet who they rent to. Anyway, the cover happens and naturally the airport is now concerned. Cap is also concerned – Hurricane’s armor is invincible, but Cap is faster and more agile. He’s hoping to wear him down. He manages to get a hit to Hurricane’s backpack, which makes both Hurricane and his windblasts go wild.

Hurricane says it’s a momentary advantage, but thinks that he “must work fast – heat factors are already rising out of control.” Brian has figured out that the backpack is his weakness, but gets caught by surprise and blown around, dropping his quarterstaff.

And… he got blown onto an active runway, with a plane coming right at him to take off. Hurricane uses his suction blasts to pull the aircraft, under full power, down at Cap. Who decides, instead of, say, running to the side, to run underneath it.

Why do people always do things like that? You can turn a whole lot faster than the vehicle chasing you can. Run to the side! But I digress…

It works, but now Hurricane flies over him and uses his suction trick to pull all the air out from around Cap. Which I’m not sure would work as described? More air would just come fill the void?

three panels of Captain Britain being battered by Hurricane's wind. Thought bubbles: He's creating a suction around me, pulling the air up from the fround as a real hurricane would! The updraft is causing a vacuum. I can barely breathe and wherever I go, Hurricane follows. I'm running out of time... steel bands around chest... lungs starved... air! air. ...He's... beaten me... again...

Hurricane admits that Cap came close to winning as Heathrow’s fire brigade and security forces come to take care of the plane. Hurricane blasts them away and kidnaps Captain Britain. Dude may be a little obsessed with him at this point, or maybe it’s just that Cap’s name is on the cover.

We get a NASTY cliffhanger deathtrap. Holy Shades of Batman!

Two panels. First panel shows Captain Britain channed over an upright rectangular opening. Narration: and when the fallen superhero regains consciousness... Captain Britain's speech: I'm still alive- but my arms! I'm spread-eagled over some sort of opening. It must be Hurricane's doing. But... why?! Next panel shows a slick jet whose intake Cap is chained to. From on top of the wing Hurricane explains: The answer is simple, chum. You're chained over the air intake of a Concorde SST. I plan to start the engine, run them up to full throttle, until you snap free of your bonds! The Olympus turbojets will make mincemeat of you! Your death will be quick and spectacular! Good-bye Captain Britain! Laughter covers part of the panel. Narration: Next week: The Wind of Death!


The problem with these weekly issues is that each story is short (7 pages). These had Fantastic Four and Nick Fury stories on top of these. That’s a lot of action for just 10 pence!

Credits: writer: Chris Claremont, artists: Herb Trimpe & Fred Kida, letterer: I. Watanabe, colorist: Marie Severin, editor: Larry Lieber. Cover credits (via the GCD): pencils: Ron Wilson, inks: Frank Giacola, letterer: Irving Watanabe

I will go back and add icons to this and the previous issue! I liveblogged issues 5-7 on Discord and want to get them up here before the thread gets buried.

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Ben-Day Shots – Captain Britain #5

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Captain Britain #5

Week Ending Nov 10, 1976
Cover Price: 10 pence

Characters: Captain Britain / Brian Braddock, Courtney Ross, Hurricane, Jacko Tanner, Chief Inspector Dai Thomas, Sandy York

First Appearance: Dr. Neil MacKenzie, Detective Inspector Kate Fraser

Content Note: disasters, falling buildings, digging people out of rubble (no pictures), radiation

We start with one of those nice talky comic covers. I really do like Hurricane’s costume, although the wrist wind blasters do end up looking like they’re shooting water. Wind is hard to draw.

Cover of Captain Britain #5. Captain Bratain is bursting through a window while Hurricane shoots at him with his wrist wind blaster. Captain Britain: You defeated me last time Hurricane! Now it's my turn! Hurricane: Wrong, chum! This time I'll finish you off.

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Captain Britain icon round-up

These are from the 1976 Captain Britain weekly series, issuses 1-4. I created them for my Ben-Day Shots blog series, which I’d appreciate being read more if you want something amusing. Issue number is in the icon filename. 45 icons total

Feel free to use the icons any way you want, including editing them. Credit can be given to Silvercat17

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Ben-Day Shots – Captain Britain #4

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Captain Britain #4

Week Ending Oct 27, 1976
Cover Price: 10 pence

Characters: Captain Britain / Brian Braddock, Jacko Tanner and his cronies (one is named Charley), Courtney Ross

First Appearance: Hurricane

Content Note: violence, bullying, head trauma, and as you might expect from the name of the villain, extreme weather

It’s Hurricane time! But first, Brian is screwing around in the gym at his university. (We’re also reminded that he’s a physics student, and I really would like to know how he has ANY time for superhero stuff). And as these come out weekly, and this is #4, and so he’s been doing this for a month – but apparently it’s so easy, it’s like he’s been doing it for years.

Buddy, you haven’t dealt with anything yet.

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Rainbow/rainbow-ish icon bases

I found these images to make icons for Rainbow Fic on Dreamwidth and it’s related communities. There’s actually more than I can use. Anyway, I’m sharing them in three sizes – 100px, 200px, and 600px – which should work for wherever you want to use them. (I think it’s Discord that wanted a great big size). Credit to Silvercat17 if you want; I don’t really care. Do whatever you want with them.

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The Mercy of Shadows (writing)

This one is a bit gruesome and very whumpy. And it doesn’t have a real ending, but it works. I’m hoping I caught all the typos

Words: 1293
Rating: PG-13

Trigger warnings: torture of a fantasy being, extreme sun exposure, injury, eye damage, skin damage

It was barely dawn and I had just finished shaving when the screaming started. I quickly wiped my razor dry, dropped it in my pack, and hurried to the street. No one else was paying any attention to it as I followed the sound. It stuttered to an end.

I turned to a merchant setting up her stall. “What was that?”

She shrugged. “What? The vampire?”


She waved vaguely toward the center of town. “In the convicts square. It’s been there a couple of days now.”

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Bonfire Hearts and Fool Waters (Shard-verse)

Word count: 2151. Rating: all-ages

Summary: before Daisy Hart became Wild Heart, she was just a strawberry blonde in high school. And the Ginger Royals recruit from all red-heads…

Content notes: mild-ish verbal abuse from a parent, fatphobia, alcohol, implied underage drinking, realistic depiction of drowning (everybody’s okay), possible implied violence

Note: the gang’s name alternates freely between Ginger Queens, Ginger Kings, and Ginger Royals

Daisy wiped the water out of her eyes and pushed herself out of the pool.

“Hey Daisy, can we talk after we change?”

She glanced up – it was Lily Mills, who was the fastest swimmer in the class, had red hair that glowed like fire unlike Daisy’s pale strawberry blonde, and was a senior.

“S-sure!” Daisy was a sophomore and she’d taken swim and water safety instead of basic PE because she had thought she was already a good swimmer. Turns out she was only okay – too buoyant after a puberty boost that had turned her from round to curvy, undisciplined, and out of condition. And then she had almost no friends – her best friend ever had moved away last year after middle school, her second best friend had found cooler people to hang out with, and her other friends had so many others that Daisy was lost in the crowd. Which lately was kind of okay, because once she hit puberty her dad had changed from ignoring her to yelling at her. She looked too much like her mom, he said. Why didn’t he take care of herself? She was fat and stupid. And it was harder than ever to act like everything was okay, and school was harder, and she was just hanging on. So it would’ve been nice to have one class that she could ace.

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Writing – A Mouth Full of Ashes

This is the one I was talking about earlier, with Albert inspired by BaaingTree’s Alpert. But not as cool. This not a nice story. I’ve slightly edited and updated this from the previous version.

I wanted to create an alternative term to ‘golem’ since golems are Jewish and it felt culturely… icky to use in this story and I’ve heard complaints from Jewish folk about goyim stealing it. Feel free to steal this (fenndrell means mud-slave from fen + thrall). I’m hoping I got the Latin correct – feel free to let me know otherwise.

Words: 1755. Rated PG-13

Trigger warnings: slavery, major past torture of a fantasy / artificial being, past sexual abuse of a being unable to consent

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Ocelar (OC)

Ocelar is Thunderian oc of mine, from a story that I am likely never to finish writing. She from the Ocalen clan, who are the guardians of plants on Thundera and beyond, welcome even on Plundarr (mostly). Ocalen can sense life force and can instantly tell who is their lifemate. Because they’re the guardians of plants, they eat as little plant matter as possible.

Ocelar ended up crashing on Third Earth after getting caught in a wormhole. The original plan was for her to be Lion-o’s lifemate, but whether I go with that and what form it takes, is very much up in the air now (they might be platonic).

I may end up doing some more reference sheets for her, of her fur pattern under the clothes and her hoverbike thingy.

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