Category: Makes…

2 Drinks – Cocktail of the Night

CN: The drink name is the slur for Romani people. I didn’t know at the time.

This was rather impromptu. I hadn’t had a drink using a recipe in a while and decided to suddenly. (If you want to know, I’ve been drinking something of my own:

Half orange juice
Half cranberry juice
A couple dashes of Angostura bitters or a glug of sweet vermouth – these are VERY scientific proportions
A glug of grenadine or blood orange syrup or both

It won’t get you drunk, but if you’re like me and you forget to eat your fruits and vegetables, it’s a good alternative to whatever you usually drink. It’s sweet and a bit spicy and nice.)

But on to the actual drink. This is one of those simple classic cocktails. According to the book (The Bartender’s Best Friend), it dates from the 30s. Two ingredients, originally no garnish (and I didn’t use one), just a jigger each.

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“Reading is My Favorite Adventure” – Craft show update

Sorry about disappearing. Been busy and not feeling well. I have another cocktail of the night entry just about ready to post, but first I thought y’all be interested in seeing some of the stuff I’ve done for the craft show. Those of you who are Facebook friends have seen the first draft of one of them.

I’ve got three designs done, two of which are in two colors. These are all bookmarks and I’ll be adding ribbons. I’m planning on charging one or two dollars a piece for them. I’ve got 29 other quotes to make bookmarks for – I might do art cards for some of them as well.

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Blue Mountain Bronx – Cocktail of the Night

(Quick and dirty logo)

A while ago I got a book called The Bartender’s Best Friend by Mardee Haidin Regan, because I’ve always wanted to learn more about mixing drinks, and find some things I liked, but I’m too cheap and anti-social to go to bars. (My parents don’t really drink. My mom doesn’t drink at all. My dad likes cheap beer and really sweet wine, but will drink almost anything. So I have no standards of quality to go off of. )

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